
Been out for a while. My last entry was last Nov 2009! It’s more than a year and a half ago! It’s time for a reboot. There are so many things to learn, so many ideas to explore. Time for an upgrade!

First task is to update to the latest version of WordPress. As of this writing, the most recent is WordPress 3.2.1. Dashboard -> Updates -> Update automatically -> Done! WordPress’ automatic update is a snap. Next is the look and feel of the blog. Time for a new theme. After a short search, I found Nikolaj Masnikov’s Emerald Stretch, a flexible-width, three-column theme, cool to the eye and liked it. Clicked install -> Activate -> Done! And my blog turned green.

Several plugins also need some updates. Click plugins -> Select plugins to be updated -> Automatic update -> Done! Almost there. I just need a few more plugins to install. Facebook integration will be nice. Search -> Facebook-> Submit. Out of several FB-related plugins, I decided to use Otto’s Simple Facebook Connect plugin, including the Comments and Like Button components. How about site stats? There are several plugins for that too. For this, I chose Automattic’s Jetpack plugin, which also includes several other features! It enables short links and even supports LaTex. Now I can include in my post mathematical equations nobody would care to understand. Isn’t it smart.

That’s it, time to reboot!

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