Category: Notes


Real-time functional MRI related papers

Real-time functional MRI is one of my research interests. So from today, I will start compiling a list of papers related to the topic. I will list the paper here after reading it. This...


VIM commands

Quick VIM commands for common editing tasks Search and replace :s/foo/bar/g – change ‘foo’ to ‘bar’ in the current line :%s/foo/bar/g – change ‘foo’ to ‘bar’ in all lines Cut and paste position cursor...


Time series-based bifurcation analysis

Re-posting this one from my old university website. A brief introduction of my graduate research topic. Studies in nonlinear time series analysis have provided reliable techniques for the evaluation of signals from dynamical systems....

Looking at how the brain works in real-time

Re-posting this article on real-time functional MRI I wrote several years ago. The technique known as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been extensively used to elucidate the functions of the human brain. Functional...

When the virtual world merges with the real one

When the virtual world merges with the real one

Just want to share this YouTube video from MicrosoftResearch. It’s just amazing. The idea is to augment the real environment with a virtual one and interact with it. Using four ceiling-mounted Kinects, the entire...

Correlation coefficient

Correlation coefficient

Definition Given two random variables X and Y, Pearson’s correlation coefficient ρ is defined as the ratio between the covariance of the two variables and the product of their standard deviations:

Of vector and matrix products

Listed below are definitions of some vector or matrix products. I will be needing these definitions in the succeeding posts. Thanks to Jetpack‘s Latex support, I can now include equations in my post.

Blogging from Google docs

Blogging from Google docs

Google Docs (GD) is an online word processor, presentation, and spreadsheet application offered for free by Google. According to its documentation, it is possible to post created documents to a blog, which can be...

Using Windows Live Writer in PhpWebsite

Using Windows Live Writer in PhpWebsite

Anyone using Windows Live Writer (WLW) in PhpWebsite (PWS)? I searched the web but got no relevant result. I asked the question in phpwsforums, and am still waiting for replies.  So I tried it...

Blogging Made Easy Using Windows Live Writer

Blogging Made Easy Using Windows Live Writer

I just discovered that Microsoft has released Windows Live Writer Beta 2 a couple of weeks ago. Windows Live Writer (WLW) is a desktop application that makes blogging easier. It allows you to compose...